Your Donations Help Our Animal Shelter Save Lives!

Your donations help provide essential care, medical treatment, and shelter for animals in need. Every contribution, whether big or small,  directly impacts their lives. Donate today and be part of the change!

Here Is A Day In The Life Of Mission Possible Foundation, Pune.

We wake up every day wondering what the day will bring. Will it be full of joy or will it be heart-wrenching pain? More than often, it is a bit of both.

There are kennels to clean, poop to scoop, dogs to walk, adoptions to be processed, and kisses to give out to all of our furry friends. Medical care and medication must be dispensed to the injured and infirm.  A quick dash to the veterinary surgeon to get urgent life-saving surgery for a helpless victim of an accident or cruelty. Food to be prepared for the 1200 in-house dogs and 300+ stray dogs in the vicinity.

The phone keeps ringing. Rain or shine, there is a steady flow of people, rescuers, and pet owners, bringing sick and injured cats and dogs to us for treatment. We don’t have space, but we make room for that litter of orphaned kittens, that injured puppy, and those voiceless souls who are victims of unimaginable human cruelty.

As night arrives, we have hundreds of strays on the streets waiting for their daily meal… perhaps their only meal. Our teams go out to feed them. Meanwhile, the nightly rush of sick and injured animals keeps us busy until the early light of the morning.

At long last it is time for some rest, but just for a few hours, until we begin all over again…… Most days, we still can’t believe the kind of torture these animals have undergone, and yet we continue to believe that compassion can take us a long way.

Yes, managing an animal shelter isn’t for the faint of heart! 

Today, our shelters at Pune and Saswad are home to more than 1200 furry friends!

We need your kind donation to help us in helping them! 

Support our work by donating towards our mission of saving the lives of the voiceless.

We Provide Sanctuary For The Misfortunate...

Not all animals in our care are fortunate enough to find loving adoptive homes.

Many animals being too old, disabled, or scarred by the trauma inflicted on them, are not suitable for adoption. They deserve love, care, and comfort too!

These are our Sanctuary residents at MPF, Saswad. Here they live the rest of their lives in peace, comfort, and happiness until it is time for them to cross the rainbow bridge.

With a donation of just Rs.10,000 per year, you can virtually sponsor one of our sanctuary animals, and help get them the medical treatment, care, and rehabilitation they need for a second chance.

Help us provide sanctuary for those animals who have nowhere else to go.

Help Us In Helping Them!

Donations can be monetary
or in kind!

Monetary donations help us keep the shelter running efficiently by meeting the expenses for adequate staff, specialized veterinary care, surgeries, food and nutrition, medicines, cleaning consumables, transport, utility bills, and much more. That is why monetary donations are so important to ensure the health and well-being of the animals.

If you would prefer to make your donation in kind, then we are always in need of that too.

We need medicines, disinfectants, soap and detergents, cages, animal toys, rice, cereal, dog and cat food, and much more.

Contact us at +91 98220 37393 and we can send one of our volunteers to pick up your donated items at your convenience.

Support Our Mission & Donate to Save a Life Today!

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

We urge companies and businesses to make Mission Possible Foundation, Pune a part of their CSR initiatives and help us in our mission to provide the voiceless with a safe, dignified, happy and pain-free life.

All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.  When you donate to MPF, you are eligible for deduction under Section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act 1961.

If interested, then please contact MPF President, Dr. Ravindra Kasbekar:

+91 98220 37393

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